What’s New?
It’s been a while, but there’s lots of news to share!
First off, I have finally given in and created an Instagram. You can follow me there at @jadewolf_photography. I’m not much for social media, but we’ll see how this goes.
In the matter of photography, I’ve got a lot of new work to share! I am slowly working through my backlog, which includes photos and video from my pre-covid Fiji trip, a more recent trip to Hawai’i, months of wildlife photos from Florida, landscape work from last winter’s Utah/Arizona trip, and more astrophotography from the past winter.
Of course, there’s a reason for why my backlog has gotten so large. This winter, right after returning from Utah, I brought home a border collie puppy named Mesa. While he’s been growing and learning, I’ve been limited to mostly local trips. But he’s about to hit the road for his first adventure next week as we return to the Sierra Nevada Mountains!
I’ve also done some gear upgrades, including picking up a Sky-Watcher star tracker to up my astrophotography game and a new long lens for wildlife. I’m excited to share the photos from all this!
There’s new adventures planned, as well. This summer, I’ll be heading to the mountains for hiking and landscape photography. In the fall, I’ll be going back to Hawai’i to photograph native birds in the Hakalau Forest NWR and lava fountains at Kilauea. And there are other big plans in the works, just waiting to get the stars aligned!
So, after a rough couple years, I am pleased to be back in the saddle and back to doing what I love. And I look forward to sharing that here!